Sunday, June 10, 2012

Welcome to Oklahoma City, Easley family.

Ben met his new SoonerStart team this past Thursday. They loved Ben and he seemed to do okay with them; but we'll officially start our sessions next week.

So far, everything is okay. Not great yet, but okay. We are still working out a new schedule that works for us here.

I think he's doing better with the change than I am.

Change is good.

Change is good.

Change SUCKS.

Sorry for the negativity there, we've had a really difficult couple of weeks. We moved in on the 25th. On the 29th, our cars received almost $13k worth of hail damage.

Also, our neighbors 2 floors up don't require sleep on the weekends. It is past 1:00 in the morning and they are still going strong. Curse this awesome hearing of mine! I'm never going to get a goodnights sleep again on Fridays/Saturdays.

Welcome to Oklahoma City, Easley family.

P.S. Ben is sleeping wonderfully. He won't sleep without some kind of noise, so it seems to be working for him.

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