Life is pretty much the same in the world of Ben. Although he has started jabbering more often and repeating more words. Last night he said 'Papa' back to us and we were so proud! He is getting to where he has more desire to communicate and I love it!
He is having to wear a patch each day over his eye. We have been seeing a Pediatric Opthomologist in OKC. Long drive, but totally worth it. In order to (hopefully) avoid surgery, we are alternating between the eyes each day to make them both stronger. Crossing our fingers for NO surgery! I will write more on that later.
Next week we will be in Shreveport, Louisiana to visit the Shriner's Hospital for Ben's first evaluation! Definitely an exciting time for us, but especially Ben. He will also see a Pediatric Neurologist in OKC on October 10th. This will be done as per request by the Shriner's. Plus, it's something we would have to do eventually. So might as well do it now!
Hope all is well in your part of the world.
- Posted using BlogPress from Joy's iPad
How did Ben's evals go?