Last week, we made the long trek down to Shriner's Childrens Hospital in Shreveport, LA. He is growing out of the braces for his feet so he was measured for some new ones that actually fit. We picked out Dallas Cowboy ones and we can't wait to go pick them up! What a blessing Shriner's is; without them I'm not sure how we'd be able to provide braces for our little man. They also talked to us about some new stretches for his arms and legs & gave us new braces for his hands as well. He will go back May 3rd for those new foot braces then we won't go back again until October 2012.
The day before we went to Shriner's we had an appointment with Ben's pediatric opthamologist and scheduled surgery for his eyes. If all goes well and we can manage to scrape the 20% for the surgery center and the surgeon, he will have the surgery this coming Friday. It will be one of two surgeries for the year. Three muscles will be corrected on one eye this go around and it should take about 1 1/2 hours. It will be outpatient, so he will go home that day.
We also received each piece of equipment that we ordered and his stroller is wonderful! It provides so much more support than the loaner we had, it's unbelievable how awesome it is for him. I would describe it as the cadillac of special strollers.
Now that you're all up-to-date, here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Shreveport and Easter. Enjoy!